Minggu, 02 Juni 2019



Hasil gambar untuk smathium bounty

The Fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is an enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world.
Because of the access to the internet we are able to get information about one of the most incredible crypto-project which is known as Smathium

Expert Review
the reliable expertise of ICO had given a satisfy assessments based on the progress and the vision. clearly showing Smathium have the extraordinary solution that aiming for the current problem was happening. here the result following below

SMATHIUM is a blockchain-based unwaveringness framework planning to fathom the key difficulties confronting customary devotion programs. A decentralized Application (dApp) where all organizations can make their very own dedication remunerate programs fueled by a solitary token. A solitary joined devotion point framework in little on/disconnected retails the world over including regular day to day existence. Bistro, eateries, supermarket, and notwithstanding shopping center !
Studies demonstrate that while clients love devotion programs, they are despising them to the most extreme. A review by CodeBroker demonstrates that at any rate 54% of buyers are baffled with their reliability compensate programs. The explanations behind the disappointments incorporate absence of separation and the way that the lion's share just give restricted advantages. Likewise, actualizing a powerful devotion compensate program will in general be absurdly costly bolting out most of organizations.
While officeholders, for example, departmental stores and aircrafts can stand to give high-esteem enrollment projects to their clients, little and medium undertakings can't. Smathium plans to connect this hole by structure a multi-business steadfastness remunerate stage that is available to a wide range of organizations. At the core of this stage is the objective of making long haul an incentive for clients instead of filling in as a momentary advancement.
Think about the answer as a Decentralized Application (dApp) where all organizations can make their devotion compensate programs fueled by a solitary token. This token can be utilized for exchanges over all organizations enlisted on our stage and can be exchanged trades. Smathium point is to make a dApp where brands can associate their current steadfastness projects to a blockchain arrange. All exchanges inside our biological system are encouraged through the SMA token which is our official digital currency.
A blockchain innovation has been joined with the unwaveringness program, which instigates re-obtaining of clients through sparing mileage. SMATHIUM, a coordinated dedication program dependent on the blockchain innovation, is a program that has been created by interfacing the remarkable attributes of blockchain that are decentralization, dispersibility, and security to the devotion program with the goal that it tends to be connected in different fields.

VISION Smathium
Smathium Introduces loyalty platform based on blockchain technology which solves the problem and limitation of the current loyalty program and provokes costumers to be more loyal to the brand. through the "SMATHIUM" platform, the brands can provide diverse benefits and services, like a membership in department store ,to the customers . and the customers can have much more opportunities by having integrated and high quality reward points and benefits


  1. Open Reward Structure
  2. Sufficient and Diffrentianted Reward System
  3. Sustainable marketing And Effect of Sales increase
  4. Improvement Of Security And Transparency by Combining Blockchain Tchnology

Smathium Builds blockchain baset platform serive when can be applied in various loyalty program and membership. it also provides one system by intergating various points and benefits which were separated in deffrent brands.


The Problem of Loyalty Program
Closed Structure
Customers cannot not use
The rewards they have received at other brands

Insufficient Rewards
Rewards provided are insufficient and
Do not attract interest from customers

Lack of Differentiation
Reward programs without differentiation
Makes customers leave.

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